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[Keynote] Diversity in data: Modeling a Better Future for Data Teams w/ Julia King (Carta), Christine Ndedge (Contractor), David Jayatillake (Metaplane) & Jessica Cherny (Ironclad & Data Angels)

Jessica Cherny
Senior Data Analyst @ Ironclad
Jessica Cherny
Senior Data Analyst @ Ironclad
Julia King
VP, Data & Analytics @ Carta
Julia King
VP, Data & Analytics @ Carta
Julie Beynon
Head of analytics @ Clearbit
Julie Beynon
Head of analytics @ Clearbit
Christine Ndege
Principal Data Engineer, Founder @
Christine Ndege
Principal Data Engineer, Founder @
David Jayatillake
Head of Data @ Metaplane
David Jayatillake
Head of Data @ Metaplane
Meghan Cassidy
Lead data analyst @ Brooklyn Data Co.
Meghan Cassidy
Lead data analyst @ Brooklyn Data Co.
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Whether you’re a hiring manager building a data team, an individual contributor on a data team, or just wandering the conference floor of most industry trade shows, you’ve probably realized how homogeneous the data industry feels.

For day two, we’re gathering some inspiring data professionals who have an insider’s perspective on the diversity challenges within the industry to talk about the diversity problem in data, including high notes such as:

  • What modern data companies can do to foster diversity on their teams
  • Why diversity in data is something data teams (and companies) of all sizes should care about
  • How a lack of diversity can negatively impact individual practitioner’s careers (and the teams they’re a part of)
  • The role of community in opening up doors for more diverse voices in our industry

We’ve formatted this panel as a fireside chat and hope that this sparks a fruitful conversation between not just our panelists, but our community as well.

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